Customer reviews
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Received it today and just watched and read the first chapters of DVD1 and I can already say that I learned a lot from it.This is a must have! I feel like a virgin touched for the very first time and there is another 3.5 hours to go!Place:
Misha OosterhuisDate:
Hello Rob,
I'm superhappy with The 4 Element Synth! So much detail, well structured, great examples. I learned a lot! Now could it be possible if you create such a great course about FM Synthesis with Blue? That would be awesome, I'd definitely buy that!
Dear Rob,
I have bought your 4 element synth book and O think it is superb in every way.
I will be watching all the DVD's first to get an insight.
Then I will watch them again and read the book at the same time.
I will then watch them a 3rd time and take loads of notes
I will finally watch them a 4th time and practice on several synths that I have.
This will give me 40 hours of viewing and learning, what a masterclass.
Thank you for such a brilliant book Rob.
The DVD's are amongst the most in depth lessons on subtractive synthesis I have ever seen and I will be recommending it to loads of people who are wanting to learn sound design.
Will you produce a book with DVD's teaching us how to use all the plugins in explorer 2 with DVD's with lessons and masterclasses like you have with the 4 element synth?
Rob, I think your knowledge and understanding of synthesizers and sound synthesis is superb.
I just cannot put your book down.
I would love you to do a book on the following though:
Additive synthesis
Granular synthesis
Wave-table synthesis
FM synthesis
This would be a superb follow on from you current book if you published those with DVD lessons as well.
Again, superb work. I just love your book.
I look forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely.
Tom LadigesDate:
Very informative book with a nice layout.
A good balance between text and illustrations.
This is not the first tutorial or synth book I read, but Rob's point of view makes it very educational for me.
I keep the DVD's in a separate DVD box.
Maybe an idea to offer a printable DVD cover?
Rob Papen has set the bar for teaching Subtractive Synthesis. The 4 Element Synth is truly a fantastic teaching tool to assist anybody seeking to learn the fundamentals of programming a synthesizer, be it hardware or software. The reader will immediately recognize the quality of the hardcover book and appreciate the thoughtful layout of lessons therein and on the accompanying four DVDs. The combination of the two approaches, book and DVD, are the best possible visual and audio learning experience. Rob's lessons take you through a detailed and clear step by step process to ensure you understand the presented material. The 4 Element Synth teaching method will give you the knowledge to set-up your own sounds, manipulate parameters, and understand parameter actions. You will be on your way to mastering your hardware and software plug-ins, making new sounds, and exploring more advanced techniques. Kudos go to Rob for taking the time to bring his Masterclass to those who are looking to learn the "must know" fundamentals of subtractive synthesis. Having access to excellent learning tools is a must to improve one's skill set. If you are one to enjoy a personal reference library then this book belongs on your bookshelf. The 4 Element Synth is a "sound investment" for sure.
Michael Date:
I got "The 4 Element Synth" as a christmas present from my girlfriend and started consuming it immediately. I was fascinated by Robs way of explanation from the very first moment. The whole stuff is really easy to comprehend, also due to its often repeating, it was the first time, I really understood the structure of a tone with fundamentals and harmonics.
The video tutorials go deeper into each lesson part and are explained at various hard- and software synthesizers. The book/dvd set is really great for understanding and learning the way of subtractive synthesis...
I can recommend this product if you like to learn, how to use your subtractive synthesis synthesizer...Place:
Ignace DhontDate:
Rob explains everything so clearly, reading the book and watching the DVD's is almost relaxing. Yet, all the depth you could want is there.
That's why we at Sound Education consider ourselves lucky to have Rob as a guest lecturer on the subject of sound design for many years now :) Thank you Rob!Place:
Thanasis LightbridgeDate:
Received the book and DVDs and can't wait to lose myself into them! You've done an amazing job Rob, well done to you and your team :)Place:
I\'ve bought the book/dvds about subtractive synthesis and I love it! Got a really fast delivery. I was amazed with the quality of the book. It is quite easy to follow and explains every detail very well. I\'ve watched 2 dvds and read about 60 pages so far, and I got to say I've learned already more than I could imagen. Keep up the good work Rob (and your team).Place:
Anthony BiancoDate:
Finished with the DVD's and the Book. You did a such a fantastic job with everything. It really did far exceed my expectations. I can see you put a lot of effort into it and its much appreciated. The DVD's filled a lot of holes and gaps in my knowledge and i feel like i have more of a complete understanding of synthesis rather than just bits and pieces of knowledge. Much more confident now to go and tweak my toys properly with more effectiveness. Worth Every Money, will go down in history as one of the best Synth books and Learning DVD in history. rnrnThanks to Rob for the enormous amount of effort that has gone into this project. Write a review.