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Presets / Folder & Global Section:

  • Over 1800 Presets sorted in Bank Folders
  • Additionally, there is a ‘Quick Browser’, ‘Favorites’, and ‘Star’ system in the bank manager.
  • ECS (External MIDI Control) Go2-X can modify its sound parameters dynamically in response to MIDI messages received from an external controller. These settings can be saved and loaded from your HardDisk.
  • Help which opens up Go2-X's PDF manual.
  • Bank Manager
  • Go2-X Logo Clicking on the Go2-X logo takes you to the Back Panel. The Back Panel shows global settings and infrequently accessed controls.
  • Control menu available in the upper right corner for global settings
  • Animated Dials with the option to disable.

Oscillator Section:
The heart of Go2-X is the morph oscillator, this oscillator allows you to morph (using Go2-X's various morph modes) between two different waveforms.

  • First and Second Waveforms (Wave-A and Wave-B)
  • Oscillator Morph Mode. The Morph Mode menu determines how the oscillator combines the two waves First Wave and Second Wave.
  • The Morph modes are Mix, Morph, Low Partial Morph, High Partial Morph, Odd/Even Partial Morph, Even/Odd Partial Morph, Table Interpolate, Table Split, Table Combine, FM, PM, AM, Ring Mod, WaveShaper, and Range.
  • Spread (creates a stacked 2 oscillator sound)
  • Sub. The sub-oscillator knob lets you select two different waveforms being sinus or square..
  • Sym (Sym controls the symmetry of the oscillator waveform)
  • SMOD (Symmetry Modulation) Amount
  • Symmetry modulation controls how much the symmetry position changes over time. 
  • SMOD (Symmetry Modulation) SpeedSmod Speed sets the frequency of the LFO that changes the symmetry position.
  • Additional Spectrum waveforms

XY Section
The XY pad is a combination of a live, interactive control, and also an automated programmable modulation source
XY Controls

  • Edit (While in Edit mode, you can move the path's points around and thus edit the XY Path manually).
  • Play Speed  (The Play Speed control alters the playback speed of the recorded XY Path)
  • Modes: Poly, Free or Mono
  • Loop modes: off, loop or bidirectional loop
  • Sync To (Tempo sync the XY movement)
  • Points (from 2 points up to 128 points)
  • Space Quantize (Space Quantize restricts the points in the current path to a set of grid lines)
  • Time Quantize (Time Quantize sets the update frequency of the XY position)
  • Draw Osc (the XY screen also shows the current oscillator output if you like)
  • Commands (XY Menu with the many additional options like the preset path).

Filter Section
Analog-modeled filter.

  • Cutoff Frequency
  • Q (Resonance)
  • 20 Filter Types included two Comb Filter types and Ring Modulation
  • Cutoff Frequency Modulation: Velocity (Vel), Key Track, Modulation Wheel, Envelope (Env)
  • Filter Envelope with Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release, and reverse control. (Graphic mode or dial mode option selectable in the Play mode section)

HighPass Filter
Additional Filter behind the main filter.

  • With On/Off function,
  • keyboard tracking On/off,
  • Q (Resonance) On/Off and amount control
  • Cutoff Frequency.

Amplifier Section
The final volume control in Go2-X with distortion on voice level.

  • Distortion amount control
  • Distortion types Atan, Bit, Cos, Cross, Fold, Limit, Over, Power, Rate, Saturate, Square
  • Volume control
  • Velocity (Vel > Vol)
  • Pan
  • Volume Envelope with Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release. (Graphic mode or dial mode option selectable in the Play mode section)

Play Mode Section
Arranges how Go2-X plays its engine and additional features and settings can be found in this section.

  • Play Modes: Poly (16voice), Poly MPE, Mono, Mono High, Mono Low, Legato, Legato High, Legato Low, and Arpeggiator
  • Portamento with Speed control, Rate or Time Mode, Held Rate or Held Time mode
  • Port Amount
  • Unison and chords
    In Unison mode, Go2-X plays up-to 4 unison voices, for each note played. This works at an Oscillator / Filter level, so you can still play up to 16 voices in poly mode.
  • Unison modes and chords:
    Unison 2-4
    2 Octave
    3 Octave
    2 SP
    Major to Diminished 7th chord (3voice and 4 voice)
    Unison Detune Amount
    Unison Stereo Spread
  • Pitch Bend Up / Down (The unit used is semi-tones)
  • Drift On/Off When this is on the oscillator has 'analog drift' i.e. it has a very slight & slow drifting of tuning over time.
  • Exp Env (Selects if the envelope's decay/release stages are linear or have an exponential characteristic).

WAVE section

  • Two user waves can be created in each Go2-X preset
  • Modes to create are Draw or Partials with the option of 'exponential' 
  • Draw, Line, and Erase options
  • Shaper option available with different modes 
  • Additional control options and the option to save and load a waveform

Arpeggiator section
Go2-X offers a classic style Arpeggiator with some unique features, like sequencer mode and unison/chord control per step.

  • The Arpeggiator has up to 16 steps. Per step you can set the following values:
    Step On/Off
    Tie (Tie note)
  • Steps (number of Steps 1-16)
  • Dynamic catch-up modes for the Step numbers.being odd, even, or all
  • Loop Modes are On, Off, PingPong
  • Dynamic catch-up modes for the Loop start point being odd, even, or all
  • Magic modes to alter the steps and their tuning or both.
  • Speed (for example 2 x tempo or ¼ x tempo)
  • Arp Modes:
    Up, Down, Up/Down, Random, Ordered, Rev. Ordered, Ordered Up/Down, Ordered Down/Up, Chord, Sequencer, Sequencer Reset
  • Octave
  • Tie modes: Normal, Special, Toggle 1, toggle 2
  • Lock Mode option 
  • Swing
  • Slide amount
  • Vel / Key (Responds to the velocity setting of the step or the keyboard input)
  • Host Sync
  • Latch
  • Key Entry
  • Arpeggiator Command Menu

LFO Section
Go2-X has 2 Free LFOs that generate modulation signals to be used as sources in a modulation path.

  • Waveform types: The available waveforms are Sine, Triangle, Saw Up, Saw Down, Square, S&H, User 1 wave, or User2 wave.
    Except for the S&H waveform, the waveforms are available in different start phases being 0 (normal), 90, 180, and 270 degrees.
  • Speed
  • Sync (Tempo Sync option)
  • Modes: Poly, Free, Mono, and Legato

Envelope Section
Go2-X has 2 Free Envelopes that generate modulation signals to be used as sources in a modulation path.

  • 2 Envelope with Attack, Decay, Sustain, Sustain-Fade and Release
  • Option to temp sync.

Modulation Matrix Section
The 12-way modulation matrix allows you to dynamically alter Go2-X's parameters. using both internal modules such as envelopes and LFOs, and external MIDI Controllers such as Pitch Bend,
Aftertouch and other control messages are defined in the MIDI-standard.
FX Section
Go2-X has 4 fx units in serial mode

  • Chorus
  • Flanger or Phaser
  • Stereo Delay
  • Reverb
  • Bypass all function

Bank Manager Section

There are four main sections: Presets, Find, Search Category, and Set Category. For each section, the Banks are visible on the right-hand side. While in the Preset screen in the Bank Manager you can mark any Preset with a Star if you like the Preset

Back Screen
A click on the Go2-X logo will display the back panel. The back panel contains several global controls that affect all instances of Go2-X. 

  • GUI size options are 100%, 125%, 150%, and 200%
  • Computer Keyboard Up / Down
  • External MIDI Control Capture Mode.
  • MIDI Program / Bank Change.
  • MIDI Channel 
  • Tuning with .tun files option
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