Buy now€149 | $149
- 24-PAD Drum synthesizer for PC and Mac
- Separate Stereo and Multi-output versions installed upon installation.
- Punch-BD also included upon installation
- GUI size options: 100%, 150% and 200%
- New Main Page for quick and easy editing for all pads.
- Freely selectable mode for each pad. These are from a choice of model, sample-based or
based on Slices/REX. - Each pad has a ‘distortion module’ with 19 different types.
- Pad color option available in two modes. Global or per drumkit preset.
- 900+ Drum kits (presets)
- 2500+ Drum presets (presets for various drum types)
- 1300+ pre-installed HQ samples
- 400+ integrated HQ samples
- 150+ pre-installed Loops/Rex files
Drum Models:
4 BD models
2 SN models
3 HH models
2 Tom models
3 Clap models
14 Percussion models including String and Additive synthesis
3 User waves for various models
Built-in samples for pads:
BD, SNARE, HH, Clap, Tom, and User
over 400 integrated HQ samples
Sample pad:
Drag and drop feature
Each sample pad can work with 3 sample layers at once.
Velocity Split, Mix and Alternate play modes.
Sample pad has a multimode filter, pitch envelope and LFO built in for each sample.
Granular mode available with size, random and length features.
Over 1300 pre-installed HQ samples
Slice pad:
Slice a sample into the pads.
Slice modes are 'equal', 'automatically' and 'tempo based'
Granular mode available with size, random and length feature.
Filter and AMP envelope for each Slice pad.
REX file import.
MIDI file export for slice pads
Over 150 pre-installed Slices and REX files.
Pattern page:
8 Sequences (grooves and breaks) available, each containing 4 tracks.
Audition menu, which allows to combine the 8 sequences including Slice/REX loop play (if active)
Extract to MIDI feature for the pattern sequences.
Each track has additional features like 'tune', ‘pan’ and 'envelope speed'.
Audition Sequence mode
Master page:
4 band EQ with 'parallel EQ'
High Pass Filter and Low Pass Filter (12dB).
Mono/Stereo filter.
Easy page:
15 sliders to control all 24 pads to add some creative and dynamic changes to a drum kit.
FX Page:
4 FX processors with different path options and a brand new mixer mode.
31 different FX types: Mono Delay, Stereo Delay, Tape Delay, Comb Filter, HQ Reverb,
Chorus, Tape Chorus, Chorus /Delay, Flanger, Tape Flanger, Ensemble, Phaser, Analog Phaser,
Distortion, Multi Distort, Low-Fi, Amp Sim, Cabinet, Waveshaper, Clipper, Widener, AutoPan, Gator,
Ring-Mod, Filter, WahWah Delay, AutoWah, Equalizer, Compressor, Noise-Gate, Freq Shift.
Bank manager:
Bank manager to manage all 'kit presets', 'drum presets' and 'patterns'.