Buy now€49 | $49
- 16 voice synthesizer
- Over 1000 presets
- GUI size 100%, 125%, 150%, and 200%
- Different tunings possible using .tun files
- Responds to MIDI Program change and MIDI Bank Select
Oscillator 1 and 2
- Oscillator On/Off
- Waveforms: sine, square, saw, triangle, noise, and pink noise, plus many other additive and spectral waves.
- Free Oscillator running On/Off
- Track On/Off (keyboard tracking)
- Octave up and down
- Semi-tuning
- Fine-tuning
- Sub-oscillator with 2 waveforms (left from the center position adds a Sinus Waveform and right form the center position adds a Square Waveform)
- Spread dial which turns the Oscillator in a multiple Oscillator sound with increased detuning between these Oscillators.
- Volume
- Into Filter On/Off. (only Oscillator 1)
- Sync Off / Hard / Soft (only Oscillator 2)
- Oscillator 2 Modulation Functions.
Quad has a number of different modulation types that allow oscillator 1 to influence oscillator 2 and vice versa, the type and various parameters of these parts can be altered using the modulation type and amount 1 and 2 controls.
Types: Ring Modulation (Ring) | Phase Modulation (PM) | Frequency Modulation 1/2/3/4 (FM1/23) | Feed 1/2/3 | Sign | Mix | Cross | Skew | Filter Modulation | String | - Phase Distortion and WaveShaper in each Oscillator with:
Amount control
X control
Y control
XY field
Distortion Types: 2 Point | And | Cos1 | Cos2 | FM (Waveshaper only) | Feed | Fold | Fuzz | Gap | Hard | Oct1 | Oct 2 | Oct3 | PWM / PWM2 (WaveShaper only) | Rez1 | Rez2 | Saw | Shift1 / Shift2 (PhaseDistortion only) | Static | Trans
Filter 1 and 2
- Filter Path: Serial | Parallel | Oscillator
- Filter types (36)
6dB LowPass | 6dB HighPass
12dB LowPass | 12dB LowPass2
12dB HighPass | 12dB HighPass2
18dB LowPass | 18dB HighPass
24dB LowPass | 24dB LowPass2
24dB HighPass | 24dB HighPass2
12dB BandPass | 12dB BandPass2
24dB BandPass | 24dB BandPass2
12dB Notch | 12dB Notch2.
24db Notch | 24db Notch2
36dB LowPass | 36dB HighPass
Comb Positive | Comb Negative
Vocal | Formant 2 Band | Formant 4 Band
12dB LPZ | 12dB HPZ | 12dB BPZ | 12dB NZ | 24dB LPZ | 24dB HPZ | 24dB BPZ | 24dB NZ - Frequency control
- Resonance (Q)
- Volume
- Pan
- Vowel
- Filter Envelope amount
- Keytrack
- Mod.Wheel
- Filter Envelope with Attack, Decay, Sustain, Sustain-Fade & Release
Amplifier section
- Volume
- Vel > vol
- Velocity shape
- Pan
- Amp Envelope with Attack, Decay, Sustain, Sustain-Fade and Release
General controls
- Pitch Bend Controls with 4-octave range control
- Mod Wheel
Envelope 1 and 2
- These Envelopes can be addressed to many Quad parameters using the Modulation Matrix.
- Attack, Decay, Sustain, Sustain-Fade and Release
- VEL > time
- KT > time
- Sync (tempo-based envelope)
LFO 1 and 2
- These LFOs can be addressed to many Quad parameters using the Modulation Matrix.
- Waveforms: Sine, Triangle, Saw Up, Saw Down, Square and S&H
- Speed
- Sync (tempo-based envelope)
- Modes: Poly, Free
Modulation Matrix Slots 1 - 16
- Quad has 16 slots to set your own modulation connection. Clicking on a modulation number label bypasses that modulation.
- 58 modulation sources that include MIDI sources and synth sources.
- 165 modulation destinations.
- Byepass feature inside each slot by clicking the slot number
Arpeggiator section
- Numbers of steps in the arpeggiator sequencer. This can be from 1 to 16 steps
- Step 1-16 On/Off
- Velocity per step
- Speed: from ¼ the tempo up to 4 times the tempo.
- Modes: Up | Down | Up/Down | Down/Up | Random | Ordered | Rev. Ordered | Ordered Up/Down | Ordered Down/Up | Chord | Mod Free
- Octaves
- Host sync
- Latch
- Step length
- Swing
- Vel / keyboard control
Play mode section
- Play mode: Poly | Mono | Legato | Arp | Poly Unison | Mono Unison | Legato Unison | Arp Unison |
- Unison Mode: 2, 3,4, or 6
- Unison Amount (detune)
- Unison Spread (stereo)
- Unison Delay
- Portamento speed
- Portamento modes: Constant Rate | Constant Time | Held Rate | Held Time
FX 1 and FX 2
- Two FX connected in series.
- On/Off for each FX
- FX-1 with Chorus, Ensemble, Flanger (tempo-based) , Phaser (tempo-based) or Widener.
- FX-2 offers a combination with Reverb and Delay (tempo based) or single FX
- FX-2 order: DEL>REV mode or REV>DEL mode
Bank Manager Section
- In the Manager Section, you find and organize your Presets and Banks.
There are four main sections: Presets, Find, Search Category and Set Category.
For each section, the Banks are visible on the right-hand side.
Back panel features
- MIDI Channel selector menu
- MIDI Program change On/Off
- MIDI Bank change On/Off
- External MIDI Control capture mode
- Computer keyboard Up/Down On/Off
- Preset changed warning On/Off
- Big screen selector 100%, 125%, 150%, and 200%
- A4 tuning setting
- Tuning Scale options (.tun files)