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Presets / Folder & Global Section:

  • 16-voice Hybrid synthesizer with Phase-Distortion
  • Over 3000 Presets sorted in Bank Folders and created by various DJ Artist
  • Additionally, there is a ‘Quick Browser’, ‘Favorites’, and ‘Star’ system in the bank manager
  • ECS (External MIDI Control) Go2-X can modify its sound parameters dynamically in response to MIDI messages received from an external controller. These settings can be saved and loaded from your HardDisk
  • Control menu available in the upper right corner for global settings
  • Easy Page for fast adjustments of the main parameters of RAW-2

Oscillator Section:
The heart of RAW are the two phase-distortion Oscillators, with XY control which can be recorded and tempo-based.
User waveform draw feature.
Each Oscillator has its own LFO for PMW, Volume, and Pitch.
Each Oscillator has its own Volume Envelope and Pitch Envelope.

Filter Section
Analog-modeled Filter with 37 Filter modes including Comb Filters, Ring Modulation, and AMP Modulation.

HighPass Filter Section
Analog-modeled HighPass Filter with Q (Resonance) and Keyboard Tracking control.

Main LFO
Tempo-based LFO, with various waveforms to control the Oscillator phase distortion, Filter, and Amp section.

Amplifier Section
Volume and Envelope control, included LFO amounts on Volume and Pan.

Play Mode Section
Poly, Poly MPE, Mono Lo, Mono Hi, Mono, Legato Lo, Legato Hi, Legato,  and ARP play modes.

Arpeggiator section
32-step arpeggiator with tune-per-step control, free modulation rows, and ratcheting.

Modulation Matrix Section
The 16-way modulation matrix, with 2 Envelopes, 2 LFO's  with temp-base option.

EQ Section on voice level
3 Band Pre-Distortions EQ and 3 Band Post Distortios EQ included LP and HP Filters.

Distortion Section on voice level.
Waveshaper, Distortion, and Lofi Distortion.

Ribbon Controller
Tempo-base spring back option, quantized spring back, and unipolar or bipolar modes. 

FX Section
Distortion, Chorus, Phaser, Ensemble, Flanger FX,  Stereo Delay, Reverb, and Gater.

Oscillator Path control
For the routing after the oscillator into Filter, Pre-EQ, Waveshaper, Distortion, LoW-FI, and Post-EQ.

FX Path control
For the routing of the Distortion FX, Modulation FX, Gatwr, Stereo Delay, and Reverb.

Bank Manager Section
There are four main sections: Presets, Find, Search Category, and Set Category. 

Back Screen
The back panel contains several global controls, like MIDI settings that affect all instances of RAW-2.

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