- Panning & Doppler FX.
- Disrupt Sphere for controlling the panning and/or doppler FX
- Bank Manager
- 100%, 150%, and 200% GUI sizes
- ESC (External MIDI Control) menu
- Template presets
Panning features
- Disrupt Sphere to control the panning position
- Left and Right panning amount between 0 and 100%
- Position selectors for Left, Center, and Right.
- Reset settings
Spring back features
- Spring back to the Left, Center, or Right panning position
- Spring back speed settings: instant or tempo-based from 1/32 tripple up to 1 bar.
- Spring back quantize settings: from 2 steps over to 32 steps
Doppler FX
- Disrupt Sphere to control the panning position
- Doppler Amount control
- Doppler Volume Decline Control
Lazy Mode
- Speed control from 0.3Hz up to 27.50Hz
- Tempo-sync speed option from 16dotted bars, up to 1/32 triple note.
- Lazy mode movements:
L Saw
R Saw
L>R Saw
R>L Saw - Phase control of the Lazy Mode LFO from 0 Degree. up to 360 Degree
Bank Manager
- Preset section with Bank selector section
- Order by Date Preset listing option
- Find option.
Back Panel
- Computer Keyboard Preset selecting On/Off
- MIDI Preset selecting On/Off
- MIDI Bank selecting On/Off
- External MIDI Capture mode On/Off
- Screen size selector menu with 100%, 150%, and 200%