Buy nowPRISMA provides the Rob Papen ‘sound garden’ with ways of providing terrific tone colors by combining Rob Papen plugins into a single ‘prismatic’ sound source. Powerfully, PRISMA stores those combined software instruments and all their respective settings as a single preset. Seriously smart features of note include individual VELOCITY or KEYB. RANGE (keyboard range) split layers for creative combinations.
Try picturing a PRISMA preset with a pad from BLUE, together with an arpeggiated sound from Predator combined with a cutting-edge sound from Blade and adding a groove from Punch… picture perfect!
But Prisma is more than stacking...The MCP page which stands for ‘Multi Control Page’ allows the user to shape Prisma patches by using 4 faders to control multiple parameters of the layers. Dynamic changes in the sound add an additional dimension to this stunning product.
Last but not least PRISMA also has four top-quality FX onboard, allowing users to bypass the individual software instruments’ built-in effects to save on computer resources, ready for building picture-perfect PRISMA sounds!
So, if you seek Super Pads, textures for Film scores or Game music, EDM stacked/layered sounds… Prisma will shine a light on your tracks!
- Prisma is a free product for Rob Papen (instrument) Plug-in users.
- To obtain Prisma: Log-in in to your account and visit “My Products”.
There you can click on “Get Deal #2” to obtain Prisma.