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General info:
- Audio Reverser FX with additional modulation LFO, Hi-Pass Filter, Low-Pass Filter, and Comb Filter
- GUI sizes available are 100%, 150%, and 200%
- Graphic display of the recorded and reversed sound with zoom option.
General controls:
- Edit / Original compare function
- ECS (external MIDI controller setup)
- Help ? opens the 'User Guide'
- Bypass control
- Dry and Reverse (Wet) control
- Dry and Reverse (Wet) mute control
Preset section:
- Presets are stored as files in clear categorized bank folders
- 'Quick Browser', 'Recently Browsed' and 'Favourite' functions
Reverse Recording Trigger:
- Manual trigger
- Audio trigger with a threshold level
- Host start trigger with Offset control and lock mode
Reverse Recording:
- Hold time
- Reverse time
- Tempo-sync
Reverse Envelope:
- Attack
- Decay
- Free mode or triggered
- Phase control
- Sine, Saw Up, Saw, Down, Triangle Square, SH (Random)
- LFO to Volume, Pan, and Filter amount control
Hi-Pass Filter:
- Pre-Filter Distortion
- 12dB Hi Pass Filter
- Cutoff control
- Q control
- On/Off control
Low-Pass Filter:
- Pre-Filter Distortion
- 12dB Low Pass Filter
- Cutoff control
- Q control
- On/Off control
Comb Filter:
- Pre-Combe Distortion
- Frequency
- Comb Q control
- On/Off control
Back Panel:
- Computer keyboard up/down
- MIDI preset program change
- MIDI bank change select
- Mute Reverse On Host Stop
- Screen size 100%, 150%, and 200%