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General info:
- Algorithm Reverb with, Distortion, Early Reflection, and Late Reflection.
- Disrupt Sphere control for creating FX changes.
- Audio Input Follower, for controlling RevSane's parameters.
- GUI sizes available are 100%, 125%, 150%, and 200%
General controls:
- Volume control
- Edit / Original compare function
- ECS (external MIDI controller setup)
- Help ? opens the 'User Guide'
- Control menu (upper right-hand side) with various general setting options.
- Wet only button
Preset section:
- Presets are stored as files in clear categorized bank folders
- 'Quick Browser', 'Recently Browsed' and 'Favourite' functions
- Fuzz Distortion
- Amount control
- On/Off control
Early Reflections:
- Complex Early Reflection algorithm
- Routing into Reverb or direct
- Length / damping / early-feedback / side-feedback / cross-feedback control
- On/Off control
- RPCX Algorithm reverb
- Models: Hall Clean | Hall cave | Hall Warm | Room Cold | Room Edged | Room Storm | Vintage Type 1 | Vintage Type 2 | Space Orbit 1 | Space Orbit 2
- Reverb Size control
- Reverb Length control
- Pre-delay with disorder control
- Tempo Sync option for Pre-delay
- Damping control
- Low-pass and Hi-pass filters with On/Off buttons
- Volume control
- On/Off control
Late reflection:
- Late reflection delay
- Routing into reverb or direct
- Length control
- Tempo Sync option
- Damping control
- Volume control
- On/Off control
Audio Follower:
- Inputs available: input, side-input, Distort Output, Early Output, Reverb Output, Late Output, Output.
- Smoothing control
- Destination menu
- Amount control
- On/Off control
Disrupt Sphere
- The Sphere-Slider holds 8 available controls that can be connected to RevSane parameters.
- The Sphere-Slider can move back to the center in a tempo-based way which we call the ‘Spring’ feature.
- Spring back quantize.
- ‘Lazy Mode’ so that the movement of the Sphere-Slider can be automated in different directions, which allows you to also create creative new types of sounds.
- 'Lazy Mode' start triggers: Host (music program start) | Note | Pitch Bend | Mod Wheel | Breath Controller | Foot Pedal | Expression Pedal | MIDI Controllers 16-21 84-90
MIDI & Mod 1&2:
- ‘MIDI & MOD 1 & 2’ control section can be used to influence various RevSane parameters including the ‘Disrupt Sphere-Slider’.
- 2 possible sources with amount control.
- 2 possible destinations with a amount control
Back Panel:
- Computer keyboard up/down
- MIDI preset change
- MIDI bank select
- External MIDI control capture mode
- MIDI Channel control
- Dial Animation
- Screen size 100%, 125%, 150%, and 200%